; Test 3: Learning even more about the board: timer in polling mode
; New things to learn:
; - Timer in polling mode
; - MOV-command
; Again my special DEVICE-command
.INCLUDE "8515def.inc"
; universal register definition
.DEF mp=R16
; Counter for the number of timeouts
.DEF z1=R0
; Reset-Vector on adress 0000
rjmp main
; Main program starts here
ldi mp,LOW(RAMEND) ;Initiate Stackpointer (Subroutines!)
out SPL,mp
out SPH,mp
; Software-Counter-Register to zero
ldi mp,0 ; z1 cannot directly be set to zero as it is below R16
mov z1,mp ; So set mp to zero and copy to R0
; Prescaler of the timer = 1024, 4 MHz/1024 = 3906,25 Hz
; that equals a timer tick every 256 us.
ldi mp,0x05 ;Initiate Timer/Counter 0 Prescaler
out TCCR0,mp ; to Timer 0 Control Register
; Port B is LED-port
ldi mp,0xFF ; all bits as output
out DDRB,mp ; to data direction register
; Main program loop reads the counter until he reaches zero, increments
; software counter and displays result on the LEDs.
; 256 timer ticks need 65.536 ms, resulting in a frequency of 15.25878906 Hz.
in mp,TCNT0 ; read the 8-bit timer 0
cpi mp,0 ; test for zero
brne loop ; if not zero branch to loop start
rcall IncZ1 ; call subroutine software-timer-increment
rcall Display ; call subroutine display-software-counter
in mp,TCNT0 ; again read timer 0
cpi mp,0 ; test for zero
breq warte ; wait until not zero any more
rjmp loop ; start next round
inc z1 ; increment software counter
ret ; return to the main program
mov mp,z1 ; copy software counter to universal register
com mp ; One-complement = XOR(FF) due to reverse LEDs
out PORTB,mp ; send to LED port
ret ; return to the main program
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