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Ремонт частотных преобразователей AVR Assembler Source Blog: I2C_Single_Master_AVR300_appnote

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


где отремонтировать частотник
                              ;**** A P P L I C A T I O N   N O T E   A V R 3 0 0 ************************
                              ;* Title  : I2C (Single) Master Implementation
                              ;* Version  : 1.0 (BETA)
                              ;* Last updated  : 97.08.27
                              ;* Target  : AT90Sxxxx (any AVR device)
                              ;* Support email : avr@atmel.com
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;*  Basic routines for communicating with I2C slave devices. This
                              ;* "single" master implementation is limited to one bus master on the
                              ;* I2C bus. Most applications do not need the multimaster ability
                              ;* the I2C bus provides. A single master implementation uses, by far,
                              ;* less resources and is less XTAL frequency dependent.
                              ;* Some features :
                              ;* * All interrupts are free, and can be used for other activities.
                              ;* * Supports normal and fast mode.
                              ;* * Supports both 7-bit and 10-bit addressing.
                              ;* * Supports the entire AVR microcontroller family.
                              ;* Main I2C functions :
                              ;* 'i2c_start' -  Issues a start condition and sends address
                              ;*    and transfer direction.
                              ;* 'i2c_rep_start' - Issues a repeated start condition and sends
                              ;*    address and transfer direction.
                              ;* 'i2c_do_transfer' - Sends or receives data depending on
                              ;*    direction given in address/dir byte.
                              ;* 'i2c_stop' -  Terminates the data transfer by issue a
                              ;*    stop condition.
                              ;* USAGE
                              ;* Transfer formats is described in the AVR300 documentation.
                              ;* (An example is shown in the 'main' code). 
                              ;* NOTES
                              ;* The I2C routines can be called either from non-interrupt or
                              ;* interrupt routines, not both.
                              ;* STATISTICS
                              ;* Code Size : 81 words (maximum)
                              ;* Register Usage : 4 High, 0 Low
                              ;* Interrupt Usage : None
                              ;* Other Usage : Uses two I/O pins on port D
                              ;* XTAL Range : N/A

                              ;**** Includes ****

.include "1200def.inc"        ; change if an other device is used

                              ;**** Global I2C Constants ****

.equ SCLP=1                   ; SCL Pin number (port D)
.equ SDAP=0                   ; SDA Pin number (port D)

.equ b_dir=0                  ; transfer direction bit in i2cadr

.equ i2crd=1
.equ i2cwr=0

                              ;**** Global Register Variables ****

.def i2cdelay=r16             ; Delay loop variable
.def i2cdata=r17              ; I2C data transfer register
.def i2cadr=r18               ; I2C address and direction register
.def i2cstat=r19              ; I2C bus status register

                              ;**** Interrupt Vectors ****

 rjmp RESET                   ; Reset handle
                              ; ( rjmp EXT_INT0 )  ; ( IRQ0 handle )
                              ; ( rjmp TIM0_OVF )  ; ( Timer 0 overflow handle )
                              ; ( rjmp ANA_COMP )  ; ( Analog comparator handle )

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* i2c_hp_delay
                              ;* i2c_qp_delay
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* hp - half i2c clock period delay (normal: 5.0us / fast: 1.3us)
                              ;* qp - quarter i2c clock period delay (normal: 2.5us / fast: 0.6us)
                              ;* SEE DOCUMENTATION !!!
                              ;* USAGE
                              ;* no parameters
                              ;* RETURN
                              ;* none

       ldi i2cdelay,2

       dec i2cdelay
       brne i2c_hp_delay_loop

       ldi i2cdelay,1 

       dec i2cdelay
       brne i2c_qp_delay_loop

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* i2c_rep_start
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Assert repeated start condition and sends slave address.
                              ;* USAGE
                              ;* i2cadr - Contains the slave address and transfer direction.
                              ;* RETURN
                              ;* Carry flag - Cleared if a slave responds to the address.
                              ;* NOTE
                              ;* IMPORTANT! : This funtion must be directly followed by i2c_start.

       sbi DDRD,SCLP          ; force SCL low
       cbi DDRD,SDAP          ; release SDA
       rcall i2c_hp_delay     ; half period delay
       cbi DDRD,SCLP          ; release SCL
       rcall i2c_qp_delay     ; quarter period delay

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* i2c_start
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Generates start condition and sends slave address.
                              ;* USAGE
                              ;* i2cadr - Contains the slave address and transfer direction.
                              ;* RETURN
                              ;* Carry flag - Cleared if a slave responds to the address.
                              ;* NOTE
                              ;* IMPORTANT! : This funtion must be directly followed by i2c_write.

       mov i2cdata,i2cadr     ; copy address to transmitt register
       sbi DDRD,SDAP          ; force SDA low
       rcall i2c_qp_delay     ; quarter period delay

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* i2c_write
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Writes data (one byte) to the I2C bus. Also used for sending
                              ;* the address.
                              ;* USAGE
                              ;* i2cdata - Contains data to be transmitted.
                              ;* RETURN
                              ;* Carry flag - Set if the slave respond transfer.
                              ;* NOTE
                              ;* IMPORTANT! : This funtion must be directly followed by i2c_get_ack.

       sec                    ; set carry flag
       rol i2cdata            ; shift in carry and out bit one
       rjmp i2c_write_first

       lsl i2cdata            ; if transmit register empty

       breq i2c_get_ack       ; goto get acknowledge
       sbi DDRD,SCLP          ; force SCL low

       brcc i2c_write_low     ; if bit high
       nop                    ; (equalize number of cycles)
       cbi DDRD,SDAP          ; release SDA
       rjmp i2c_write_high

i2c_write_low:                ; else
       sbi DDRD,SDAP          ; force SDA low
       rjmp i2c_write_high    ; (equalize number of cycles)

       rcall i2c_hp_delay     ; half period delay
       cbi DDRD,SCLP          ; release SCL
       rcall i2c_hp_delay     ; half period delay

       rjmp i2c_write_bit

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* i2c_get_ack
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Get slave acknowledge response.
                              ;* USAGE
                              ;* (used only by i2c_write in this version)
                              ;* RETURN
                              ;* Carry flag - Cleared if a slave responds to a request.

       sbi DDRD,SCLP          ; force SCL low
       cbi DDRD,SDAP          ; release SDA
       rcall i2c_hp_delay     ; half period delay
       cbi DDRD,SCLP          ; release SCL

       sbis PIND,SCLP         ; wait SCL high 
                              ;(In case wait states are inserted)
       rjmp i2c_get_ack_wait

       clc                    ; clear carry flag
       sbic PIND,SDAP         ; if SDA is high
       sec                    ; set carry flag
       rcall i2c_hp_delay     ; half period delay

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* i2c_do_transfer
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Executes a transfer on bus. This is only a combination of i2c_read
                              ;* and i2c_write for convenience.
                              ;* USAGE
                              ;* i2cadr - Must have the same direction as when i2c_start was called.
                              ;* see i2c_read and i2c_write for more information.
                              ;* RETURN
                              ;* (depends on type of transfer, read or write)
                              ;* NOTE
                              ;* IMPORTANT! : This funtion must be directly followed by i2c_read.

       sbrs i2cadr,b_dir      ; if dir = write
       rjmp i2c_write         ; goto write data

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* i2c_read
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Reads data (one byte) from the I2C bus.
                              ;* USAGE
                              ;* Carry flag -  If set no acknowledge is given to the slave
                              ;*   indicating last read operation before a STOP.
                              ;*   If cleared acknowledge is given to the slave
                              ;*   indicating more data.
                              ;* RETURN
                              ;* i2cdata - Contains received data.
                              ;* NOTE
                              ;* IMPORTANT! : This funtion must be directly followed by i2c_put_ack.

       rol i2cstat            ; store acknowledge
                              ; (used by i2c_put_ack)
       ldi i2cdata,0x01       ; data = 0x01

i2c_read_bit:                 ; do
       sbi DDRD,SCLP          ;  force SCL low
       rcall i2c_hp_delay     ; half period delay

       cbi DDRD,SCLP          ; release SCL
       rcall i2c_hp_delay     ; half period delay

       clc                    ; clear carry flag
       sbic PIND,SDAP         ; if SDA is high
       sec                    ;  set carry flag

       rol i2cdata            ;  store data bit
       brcc i2c_read_bit      ; while receive register not full

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* i2c_put_ack
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Put acknowledge.
                              ;* USAGE
                              ;* (used only by i2c_read in this version)
                              ;* RETURN
                              ;* none

       sbi DDRD,SCLP          ; force SCL low

       ror i2cstat            ; get status bit
       brcc i2c_put_ack_low   ; if bit low goto assert low
       cbi DDRD,SDAP          ; release SDA
       rjmp i2c_put_ack_high

i2c_put_ack_low:              ; else
       sbi DDRD,SDAP          ; force SDA low


       rcall i2c_hp_delay     ; half period delay
       cbi DDRD,SCLP          ; release SCL

       sbis PIND,SCLP         ; wait SCL high
       rjmp i2c_put_ack_wait
       rcall i2c_hp_delay     ; half period delay

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* i2c_stop
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Assert stop condition.
                              ;* USAGE
                              ;* No parameters.
                              ;* RETURN
                              ;* None.

       sbi DDRD,SCLP          ; force SCL low
       sbi DDRD,SDAP          ; force SDA low
       rcall i2c_hp_delay     ; half period delay
       cbi DDRD,SCLP          ; release SCL
       rcall i2c_qp_delay     ; quarter period delay
       cbi DDRD,SDAP          ; release SDA
       rcall i2c_hp_delay     ; half period delay

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* i2c_init
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Initialization of the I2C bus interface.
                              ;* USAGE
                              ;* Call this function once to initialize the I2C bus. No parameters
                              ;* are required.
                              ;* RETURN
                              ;* None
                              ;* NOTE
                              ;* PORTD and DDRD pins not used by the I2C bus interface will be
                              ;* set to Hi-Z (!).
                              ;* COMMENT
                              ;* This function can be combined with other PORTD initializations.

       clr i2cstat            ; clear I2C status register (used
                              ; as a temporary register)
       ut PORTD,i2cstat       ; set I2C pins to open colector
       out DDRD,i2cstat

                              ;* PROGRAM
                              ;* main - Test of I2C master implementation
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Initializes I2C interface and shows an example of using it.

       rcall i2c_init         ; initialize I2C interface

                              ;**** Write data => Adr(00) = 0x55 ****

       ldi i2cadr,$A0+i2cwr   ; Set device address and write
       rcall i2c_start        ; Send start condition and address

       ldi i2cdata,$00        ; Write word address (0x00)
       rcall i2c_do_transfer  ; Execute transfer

       ldi i2cdata,$55        ; Set write data to 01010101b
       rcall i2c_do_transfer  ; Execute transfer

       rcall i2c_stop         ; Send stop condition

                              ;**** Read data => i2cdata = Adr(00) ****

       ldi i2cadr,$A0+i2cwr   ; Set device address and write
       rcall i2c_start        ; Send start condition and address

       ldi i2cdata,$00        ; Write word address
       rcall i2c_do_transfer  ; Execute transfer

       ldi i2cadr,$A0+i2crd   ; Set device address and read
       rcall i2c_rep_start    ; Send repeated start condition and address

       sec                    ; Set no acknowledge (read is followed by a stop condition)
       rcall i2c_do_transfer  ; Execute transfer (read)

       rcall i2c_stop         ; Send stop condition - releases bus

       rjmp main              ; Loop forewer

                              ;**** End of File ****

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