;**** A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E A V R 236 ************************
;* Title: CRC check of program memory
;* Version: 1.0
;* Last updated: 98.06.15
;* Target: AT90Sxxxx (All AVR Devices with LPM instr, not AT90S1200)
;* Support E-mail: avr@atmel.com
;* NOTE: Always check out Atmels web site, www.atmel.com for the latest and updated
;* version of the software.
;* This application note describes how to perform CRC computation
;* of code memory contents using a simple algoritm.
;* To generate CRC checksum load the register "status" with 00 and call the routine
;* "crc_gen". The resulting checksum is placed in the registers
;* byte2(low byte) and byte3(high byte).
;* To check the CRC checksum load the register "status" with FF and call the routine
;* "crc_gen". The resulting checksum is placed in the registers
;* byte2(low byte) and byte3(high byte). If the checksum is 00 the program code is
;* correct, if the checksum is non-zero an error has been introduced in the program code
.include "..\8515def.inc"
.device AT90S8515
;***** Constants
.equ PROGSIZE=0x1FFF ; Size of program memory(bytes)
.equ CR=0x8005 ; CRC divisor value
.org $0000
rjmp RESET ;Reset handle
;* "crc_gen" - Generation and checking of CRC checksum
;* This subroutine generates the checksum for the program code.
;* 32 bits are loaded into 4 register, the upper 16 bits are XORed
;* with the divisor value each time a 1 is shifted into the carry flag
;* from the MSB.
;* If the status byte is 0x00,the routine will generate new checksum:
;* After the computing the code 16 zeros are
;* appended to the code and the checksum is calculated.
;* If the status byte is different from 0X00, the routine will check if the current checksum is valid.
;* After the computing the code the original checksum are
;* appended to the code and calculated. The result is zero if no errors occurs
;* The result is placed in registers byte2 and byte3
;* Number of words :44 + return
;* Number of cycles :program memory size(word) * 175(depending on memory contens)
;* Low registers used :6 (byte0,byte1,byte2,byte3)
;* High registers used :7 (sizel,sizeh,crdivl,crdivh,count,status,zl,zh)
;***** Subroutine Register Variables
.def byte0=r0 ; Lower byte of lower word
.def byte1=r1 ; Upper byte of lower word
.def byte2=r2 ; Lower byte of upper word
.def byte3=r3 ; Upper byte of upper word
.def crc=r4 ; CRC checksum low byte
.def crch=r5 ; CRC checksum high byte
.def sizel=r17 ; Program code size register
.def sizeh=r18
.def crdivl=r19 ; CRC divisor register
.def crdivh=r20
.def count=r21 ; Bit counter
.def status=r22 ; Status byte: generate(0) or check(1)
ldi sizel,low(PROGSIZE);Load end of program memory address
ldi sizeh,high(PROGSIZE)
clr zl ;Clear Z pointer
clr zh
ldi crdivh,high(CR) ;Load divisor value
ldi crdivl,low(CR)
lpm ;Load first memory location
mov byte3,byte0 ;Move to highest byte
adiw zl,0x01 ;Increment Z pointer
lpm ;Load second memory location
mov byte2,byte0
cp zl,sizel ;Loop starts here
cpc zh,sizeh ;Check for end of code
brge end ;Jump if end of code
adiw zl,0x01
lpm ;Load high byte
mov byte1,byte0 ;Move to upper byte
adiw zl,0x01 ;Increment Z pointer
lpm ;Load program memory location
rcall rot_word ;Call the rotate routine
rjmp new_word
;ret ;uncomment this line if checksum is stored in last flash memory address.
ldi count,0x11
cpi status,0x00
brne check
clr byte0 ;Append 16 bits(0x0000) to
clr byte1 ;the end of the code for CRC generation
rjmp gen
mov byte0,crc ;Append the original checksum to
mov byte1,crch ;the end of the code for CRC checking
rcall rot_word ;Call the rotate routine
mov crc,byte2
mov crch,byte3
ret ;Return to main prog
ldi count,0x11
dec count ;Decrement bit counter
breq stop ;Break if bit counter = 0
lsl byte0 ;Shift zero into lowest bit
rol byte1 ;Shift in carry from previous byte
rol byte2 ;Preceede shift
rol byte3
brcc rot_loop ;Loop if MSB = 0
eor byte2,crdivl
eor byte3,crdivh ;XOR high word if MSB = 1
rjmp rot_loop
;* EERead_seq
;* This routine reads the
;* EEPROM into the global register variable "temp".
;* Number of words :4+ return
;* Number of cycles :8 + return
;* High Registers used :4 (temp,eeadr,eeadrh,eedata)
.def temp=r16
.def eeadr=r23
.def eeadrh=r24
.def eedata=r25
;***** Code
out EEARH,eeadrh ;output address high byte
out EEARL,eeadr ;output address low byte
sbi EECR,EERE ;set EEPROM Read strobe
in eedata,EEDR ;get data
;* EEWrite
;* This subroutine waits until the EEPROM is ready to be programmed, then
;* programs the EEPROM with register variable "EEdwr" at address "EEawr"
;* Number of words :7 + return
;* Number of cycles :13 + return (if EEPROM is ready)
;* Low Registers used :None
;* High Registers used: ;4 (temp,eeadr,eeadr,eedata)
.def temp=r16
.def eeadr=r23
.def eeadrh=r24
.def eedata=r25
sbic EECR,EEWE ;If EEWE not clear
rjmp EEWrite ;Wait more
out EEARH,eeadrh ;Output address high byte
out EEARL,eeadr ;Output address low byte
out EEDR,eedata ;Output data
sbi EECR,EEWE ;Set EEPROM Write strobe
;* Start Of Main Program
.def crc=r4 ;Low byte of checksum to be returned
.def crch=r5 ;High byte of checksum to be returned
.def temp=r16
.def status=r22 ;Status byte: generate(0) or check(1)
.def eeadr=r23
.def eeadrh=r24
.def eedata=r25
ldi r16,high(RAMEND) ;Initialize stack pointer
out SPH,r16 ;High byte only required if
ldi r16,low(RAMEND) ;RAM is bigger than 256 Bytes
out SPL,r16
ldi temp,0xff
out DDRB,temp ;Set PORTB as output
out PORTB,temp ;Write 0xFF to PORTB
clr status ;Clear status register, prepare for CRC generation
rcall crc_gen
ldi eeadr,0x01 ;Set address low byte for EEPROM write
ldi eeadrh,0x00 ;Set address high byte for EEPROM write
mov eedata,crc ;Set CRC low byte in EEPROM data
rcall eewrite ;Write EEPROM
ldi eeadr,0x02 ;Set address low byte for EEPROM write
ldi eeadrh,0x00 ;Set address high byte for EEPROM write
mov eedata,crch ;Set CRC high byte in EEPROM data
rcall eewrite ;Write EEPROM
out PORTB,crc ;Output CRC low value to PORTB
sbic EECR,EEWE ;If EEWE not clear
rjmp mainloop ;Wait more
;********** Insert program code here *************
ldi eeadr,0x01 ;Set address low byte for EEPROM read
ldi eeadrh,0x00 ;Set address high byte for EEPROM read
rcall eeread ;Read EEPROM
mov crc,eedata ;Read CRC low byte from EEPROM
ldi eeadr,0x02 ;Set address low byte for EEPROM read
ldi eeadrh,0x00 ;Set address high byte for EEPROM read
rcall eeread ;Read EEPROM
mov crch,eedata ;Read CRC low byte from EEPROM
ser status ;Set status register, prepare for CRC checking
rcall crc_gen
out PORTB,crc ;Output CRC low value to PORTB
rjmp loop
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