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Ремонт частотных преобразователей AVR Assembler Source Blog: Software_SPI_Master_AVR320_appnote

Friday, October 18, 2013


восстановление частотного преобразователя
                              ;**** A P P L I C A T I O N   N O T E   A V R 3 2 0 *****************
                              ;* Title  : Software SPI Master
                              ;* Version  : 1.0
                              ;* Last updated  : 98.04.21
                              ;* Target  : AT90S1200
                              ;* Easily modified for : Any AVR microcontroller
                              ;* Support E-mail :avr@atmel.com
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* This is a collection of 8/16-bit word, Mode 0, Master SPI routines.
                              ;* It simultaneously transmits and receives SPI data in 8- or 16-bit
                              ;* word format.  Data is sent and received MSB-first.  One pair of
                              ;* registers is used both to send and to receive; i.e., when one bit
                              ;* is shifted out (transmitted), the vacated bit position is used to
                              ;* store the new received bit.  These routines are low-level
                              ;* interface routines, and do not inherently contain a command
                              ;* structure; that is dictated by the connected SPI peripheral(s).
                              ;* Due to having separate Enable/Disable and Read/Write-Word
                              ;* routines, larger blocks of data can be sent simply by calling
                              ;* the RW_SPI routine multiple times before disabling /SS.
                              ;* MAJOR ROUTINES:
                              ;* init_spi: initializes the port lines used for SPI.
                              ;*   No calling requirements, returns nothing.
                              ;* ena_spi:  forces SCK low, and activates /SS signal.
                              ;*   No calling requirements, returns nothing.
                              ;* disa_spi: brings /SS signal hi (inactive).
                              ;*   No calling requirements, returns nothing.
                              ;* rw_spi:   sends/receives a an 8-bit or 16-bit data word.
                              ;*   Must set up data to be sent in (spi_hi,spi_lo)
                              ;*   prior to calling; it returns received data in
                              ;*   the same register pair (if 8-bit, uses only
                              ;*   the spi_lo register).
                              ;* VARIABLES:
                              ;* The spi_hi and spi_lo variables are the high and low data bytes.
                              ;* They can be located anywhere in the register file.
                              ;* The temp variable holds the bit count, and is also used in timing
                              ;*      the high/low minimum pulse width.  This must be located in an
                              ;* upper register due to the use of an IMMEDIATE-mode instruction.
                              ;* HISTORY
                              ;* V1.0 98.04.21 (rgf)  Created

                              ;**** includes ****

.include "1200def.inc"        ;you can change this to any device

                              ;* CONSTANTS

                              ;**** Revision Codes ****

.equ SW_MAJOR=1               ; Major SW revision number
.equ SW_MINOR=0               ; Minor SW revision number
.equ HW_MAJOR=0               ; Major HW revision number
.equ HW_MINOR=0               ; Minor HW revision number

                              ;* PORT DEFINITIONS

.equ sck=0                    ;PB0 pin
.equ nss=1                    ;PB1 pin
.equ mosi=2                   ;PB2 pin
.equ miso=3                   ;PB3 pin

                              ;* REGISTER DEFINITIONS

.def spi_lo=r0                ;change as needed
.def spi_hi=r1                ;  "
.def temp=r16                 ;misc usage, must be in upper regs for IMMED mode

                              ;* MACROS
                              ;* Program Macros
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Change the following macros if a port other than PORTB is used.

.macro ss_active
 cbi portb,nss

.macro ss_inactive
 sbi portb,nss

.macro sck_hi
 sbi portb,sck

.macro sck_lo
 cbi portb,sck

.macro mosi_hi
 sbi portb,mosi

.macro mosi_lo
 cbi portb,mosi

.macro addi
 subi @0, -@1                 ;subtract the negative of an immediate value

 set_delay                    ;set up the time delay amount, from 1 to 7
 subi @0, (@1 << 5)           ;NOTE: THIS shift affects INC macro (below)!

 inc_delay                    ;bump the delay counter
 subi @0, -(1 << 5)           ;shift value here must be same as above!

                              ;* SAMPLE APPLICATION, READY TO RUN ON AN AT90S1200

.org 0

       rjmp Reset

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* init_spi
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Initialize our port pins for use as SPI master.
                              ;* CODE SIZE:
                              ;* 8 words

       ss_inactive            ;set latch bit hi (inactive)
       sbi ddrb,nss           ;make it an output
       sck_lo                 ;set clk line lo
       sbi ddrb,sck           ;make it an output
       mosi_lo                ;set data-out lo
       sbi ddrb,mosi          ;make it an output
       cbi ddrb,miso          ;not really required, it powers up clr'd!

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* ena_spi
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Init data & clock lines, then assert /SS.  Note that if more than
                              ;* one slave is used, copies of this could be made that would each
                              ;* reference a different /SS port pin (use SS_ACTIVE0, SS_ACTIVE1, ...)
                              ;* CODE SIZE:
                              ;* 4 words

       sck_lo                 ;(should already be there...)

                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* disa_spi
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* De-assert /SS.  Since this routine is so short, it might be better
                              ;* to use the SS_INACTIVE statement directly in higher level code.
                              ;* Again, if multiple slaves exist, additional copies of this could
                              ;* be created; or ONE routine that disabled ALL /ss signals could be
                              ;* used instead to make the code less error-prone due to calling the
                              ;* wrong Disable routine.
                              ;* CODE SIZE:
                              ;* 2 words


                              ;* FUNCTION
                              ;* rw_spi
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* Write a word out on SPI while simultaneously reading in a word.
                              ;* Data is sent MSB-first, and info read from SPI goes into
                              ;* the same buffer that the write data is going out from.
                              ;* Make sure data, clock and /SS are init'd before coming here.
                              ;* SCK high time is ((delay * 3) + 1) AVR clock cycles.
                              ;* If 8-bit use is needed, change  LDI TEMP,16  to ,8  and also
                              ;* eliminate the ROL SPI_HI statement.
                              ;* CODE SIZE:
                              ;* 21 words
                              ;* NUMBER OF CYCLES:
                              ;* Overhead = 8, loop = 16 * (16 + (2* (delay_value*3)))
                              ; (With call + return + delay=4, it is about 648 cycles.)

       ldi temp,16            ;init loop counter to 16 bits
                              ;ldi temp,8      ;use THIS line instead if 8-bit desired
       lsl spi_lo             ;move 0 into D0, all other bits UP one slot,
       rol spi_hi             ; and C ends up being first bit to be sent.
                              ;If 8-bit desired, also comment out the preceding ROL SPI_HI statement
       brcc lo_mosi
       rjmp mosi_done         ;this branch creates setup time on MOSI

       nop                    ;also create setup time on MOSI

                              ;must now time the hi pulse - not much else we can do here but waste time
       set_delay temp,4       ;(4 * 3) cycle delay; range is from 1 to 7!

       inc_delay temp         ;inc upper nibble until it rolls over; then,
       brcs time_hi           ; C gets CLEARED, & temp has original value
       sck_lo                 ;drop clock line low
                              ;must now delay before reading in SPI data on MISO
       set_delay temp,4

       inc_delay temp
       brcs time_lo
       sbic pinb,miso         ;after delay, read in SPI bit & put into D0
       inc spi_lo             ;we FORCED D0=0, so use INC to set D0.
       dec temp
       brne spi_loop

                              ;************************  End of SPI routines ****************************

                              ;**** Application example ****

       rcall init_spi
       ser temp               ;load w/ FF
       out DDRD,temp
       rjmp Main

       ldi R22,0xA3           ;misc data
       mov spi_lo,R22         ;set up information to be sent
       mov spi_hi,R22         ;COMMENT THIS OUT IF 8-BIT MODE
       rcall ena_spi          ;activate /SS
       rcall rw_spi           ;send/receive 16 bits (or 8 bits)
       rcall disa_spi         ;deactivate /SS
       rcall use_spi_rcv      ;go use whatever we received
       rjmp Main

Use_spi_rcv:                  ;just copy rcv'd data to Port D pins
       out PortD,R22

                              ;**** End of File ****

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