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Ремонт частотных преобразователей AVR Assembler Source Blog: Read_write_EEPROM_AVR100_appnote

Friday, October 18, 2013


ремонт частотного преобразователя

                              ;**** A P P L I C A T I O N   N O T E   A V R 1 0 0  ************************
                              ;* Title:  Accessing the EEPROM
                              ;* Version:  2.0
                              ;* Last updated: 98.10.14
                              ;* Target:  AT90S8515
                              ;* Suitable for: Any AVR with internal EEPROM
                              ;* Support E-mail: avr@atmel.com
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* This Application note shows how to read data from and write data to the
                              ;* EEPROM. Both random access and sequential access routines are listed.
                              ;* The code is written for 8515. To modify for 90S4414,90S2313,90S2323...
                              ;* apply the following changes:
                              ;* - Remove all entries to EEPROM Address Register High Byte EEARH
                              ;* To modify for 90S1200, apply the changes above. In addition:
                              ;* - Remove all writes to EEMWE
                              ;* Change log
                              ;* V2.0 98.10.14 (jboe)  Bugfix, changed to support AT90S8515 
                              ;* V1.1 97.07.04 (gk)  Created
.include "8515def.inc"

 rjmp RESET                   ;Reset Handle
                              ;* EEWrite
                              ;* This subroutine waits until the EEPROM is ready to be programmed, then
                              ;* programs the EEPROM with register variable "EEdwr" at address "EEawr:EEawr"
                              ;* Number of words : 9 + return
                              ;* Number of cycles : 11 + return (if EEPROM is ready)
                              ;* Low Registers used : None
                              ;* High Registers used: ; 3 (EEdwr,EEawr,EEawrh)

                              ;***** Subroutine register variables

.def EEdwr=r16                ;data byte to write to EEPROM
.def EEawr=r17                ;address low byte to write to
.def EEawrh=r18               ;address high byte to write to

                              ;***** Code

       sbic EECR,EEWE         ;if EEWE not clear
       rjmp EEWrite           ;    wait more

       out EEARH,EEawrh       ;output address high byte, remove if no high byte exists
       out EEARL,EEawr        ;output address low byte

       out EEDR,EEdwr         ;output data
       cli                    ;disable global interrupts 
       sbi EECR,EEMWE         ;set master write enable, remove if 90S1200 is used 
       sbi EECR,EEWE          ;set EEPROM Write strobe
                              ;This instruction takes 4 clock cycles since
                              ;it halts the CPU for two clock cycles
       sei                    ;enable global interrupts

                              ;* EERead
                              ;* This subroutine waits until the EEPROM is ready to be programmed, then
                              ;* reads the register variable "EEdrd" from address "EEardh:EEard"
                              ;* Number of words : 6 + return
                              ;* Number of cycles : 7 + return (if EEPROM is ready)
                              ;* Low Registers used : 1 (EEdrd)
                              ;* High Registers used: : 2 (EEard,EEardh)

                              ;***** Subroutine register variables

.def EEdrd=r0                 ;result data byte
.def EEard=r17                ;address low to read from
.def EEardh=r18               ;address high to read from

                              ;***** Code

       sbic EECR,EEWE         ;if EEWE not clear
       rjmp EERead            ;    wait more

       out EEARH,EEardh       ;output address high byte, remove if no high byte exists
       out EEARL,EEard        ;output address low byte

       sbi EECR,EERE          ;set EEPROM Read strobe
                              ;This instruction takes 4 clock cycles since
                              ;it halts the CPU for two clock cycles
       in EEdrd,EEDR          ;get data

                              ;* EEWrite_seq
                              ;* This subroutine increments the EEPROM address by one and waits until the 
                              ;* EEPROM is ready for programming. It then programs the EEPROM with 
                              ;* register variable "EEdwr_s".

                              ;* Number of words : 12 + return
                              ;* Number of cycles : 15 + return (if EEPROM is ready)
                              ;* Low Registers used : None
                              ;* High Registers used: : 3 (EEdwr_s,EEwtmp,EEwtmph)

                              ;***** Subroutine register variables

.def EEwtmp=r24               ;temporary storage of address low byte
.def EEwtmph=r25              ;temporary storage of address high byte
.def EEdwr_s=r18              ;data to write

                              ;***** Code

       sbic EECR,EEWE         ;if EEWE not clear
       rjmp EEWrite_seq       ;   wait more

       in EEwtmp,EEARL        ;get address low byte
       in EEwtmph,EEARH       ;get address high byte, remove if no high byte exists
       adiw EEwtmp,0x01       ;increment address
       out EEARL,EEwtmp       ;output address low byte
       out EEARH,EEwtmph      ;output address byte, remove if no high byte exists

       out EEDR,EEdwr_s       ;output data
       cli                    ;disable global interrupts
       sbi EECR,EEMWE         ;set master write enable, remove if 90S1200 is used 
       sbi EECR,EEWE          ;set EEPROM Write strobe
                              ;This instruction takes 4 clock cycles since
                              ;it halts the CPU for two clock cycles
       sei                    ;enable global interrupts

                              ;* EERead_seq
                              ;* This subroutine increments the address stored in EEAR and reads the 
                              ;* EEPROM into the register variable "EEdrd_s".

                              ;* Number of words : 9 + return
                              ;* Number of cycles : 13 + return (if EEPROM is ready)
                              ;* Low Registers used : 1 (EEdrd_s)
                              ;* High Registers used: : 2 (EErtmp,EErtmph)

                              ;***** Subroutine register variables

.def EErtmp=r24               ;temporary storage of low address
.def EErtmph=r25              ;temporary storage of high address
.def EEdrd_s=r0               ;result data byte

                              ;***** Code

       sbic EECR,EEWE         ;if EEWE not clear
       rjmp EERead_seq        ;   wait more
                              ; The above sequence for EEWE = 0 can be skipped if no write is initiated.

                              ; Read sequence
       in EErtmp,EEARL        ;get address low byte
       in EErtmph,EEARH       ;get address high byte, remove if no high byte exists
       adiw EErtmp,0x01       ;increment address
       out EEARL,EErtmp       ;output address low byte
       out EEARH,EErtmph      ;output address high byte, remove if no high byte exists

       sbi EECR,EERE          ;set EEPROM Read strobe
                              ;This instruction takes 4 clock cycles since
                              ;it halts the CPU for two clock cycles
       in EEdrd_s,EEDR        ;get data

                              ;* Test/Example Program

                              ;***** Main Program Register variables

.def counter=r19
.def temp=r20

                              ;***** Code

                              ;***** Initialize stack pointer
                              ;* Initialize stack pointer to highest address in internal SRAM
                              ;* Comment out for devices without SRAM

       ldi r16,high(RAMEND)   ;High byte only required if 
       out SPH,r16            ;RAM is bigger than 256 Bytes
       ldi r16,low(RAMEND)  
       out SPL,r16

                              ;***** Initialize portB
                              ;* Port B is used to verify the operation of the EEPROM read 
                              ;* and write routines.

       ldi r16,0xff           ; DDRB=0xff ->PortB=output
       out DDRB,r16

                              ;***** Initialize portD
                              ; bit0 of PortD  is used to start the test program

       ldi r16,0xff           ; Enable all PortD pull-ups
       out PORTD,r16

                              ;***** Program start 
       in r16,PIND            ; Wait for user to push button on PD0
       sbrc r16,0
       rjmp main

                              ;***** Program a random location

       ldi EEdwr,$aa
       ldi EEawrh,$00
       ldi EEawr,$10
       rcall EEWrite          ;store $aa in EEPROM location $0010

                              ;***** Read from a random location

       ldi EEardh,$00
       ldi EEard,$10
       rcall EERead           ;read address $10
       out PORTB,EEdrd        ;output value to Port B

                              ;***** Fill the EEPROM address 1..64 with bit pattern $55,$aa,$55,$aa,...

       sbic EECR,EEWE         ;if EEWE not clear
       rjmp EEWrite_wait      ;   wait more
                              ; The above sequence for EEWE = 0 can be skipped if it is guaranteed that no write is
                              ; running when now changing the EEARL and EEARH registers.

       ldi counter,63         ;init loop counter
       clr temp
       out EEARH,temp         ;EEARH <- $00
       clr temp  
       out EEARL,temp         ;EEARL <- $00 (start address - 1)

       ldi EEdwr_s,$55 
       rcall EEWrite_seq      ;program EEPROM with $55
       ldi EEdwr_s,$aa  
       rcall EEWrite_seq      ;program EEPROM with $aa
       dec counter            ;decrement counter
       brne loop1             ;and loop more if not done

                              ;***** Copy 10 first bytes of EEPROM to r1-r11

       sbic EECR,EEWE         ;if EEWE not clear
       rjmp EERead_wait       ;   wait more
                              ; The above sequence for EEWE = 0 can be skipped if it is guaranteed that no write is
                              ; running when we later change the EEARL and EEARH registers.

       clr temp
       out EEARH,temp         ;EEARH <- $00
       ldi temp,$00 
       out EEARL,temp         ;EEARL <- $00 (start address - 1)

       clr ZH
       ldi ZL,1               ;Z-pointer points to r1

       rcall EERead_seq       ;get EEPROM data
       st Z,EEdrd_s           ;store to SRAM
       inc ZL
       cpi ZL,12              ;reached the end?
       brne loop2             ;if not, loop more

       rjmp forever           ;This is the end. On completion, the program ends up here

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