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Ремонт частотных преобразователей AVR Assembler Source Blog: Using_Timers_AVR130_appnote

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Монтаж частотных преобразователей
                              ;* A P P L I C A T I O N   N O T E   F O R   T H E   A V R   F A M I L Y
                              ;* Number               : AVR130
                              ;* File Name            : "avr130.asm"
                              ;* Title                : Setup and Use The Timers
                              ;* Date                 : 00.09.01
                              ;* Last updated   : 10.25.02 by ШE, fixed bug in Ex3_init (sbic ASSR, OCR2UB)
                              ;* Version              : 1.0
                              ;* Target MCU           : Any AVR with Timer
                              ;* DESCRIPTION
                              ;* This Application note shows how to enable and use some features of the 
                              ;* AVR's on-board Timers. 
                              ;* This file contains the code of all the examples. To switch between the examples
                              ;* you will have to enable the call of the corresponding initialization routine
                              ;* (see the Reset section at the bottom) 
                              ;* This code contains markers (e.g. CL_1). These markers indicate to which step 
                              ;* of the check list the 1-2 code lines which follow the marker refer to. 

.include "8535def.inc"

                              ; 16 bit access Macros (see Application Note AVR072)
.macro outw
                              ;cli     ; see (Note 1)
 out @0,@1
 out @0-1,@2
                              ;sei     ; see (Note 1)

.macro inw
                              ;cli     ; see (Note 1)
 in @1,@2-1
 in @0,@2
                              ;sei     ; see (Note 1)

                              ; Interrupt Vectore Table
.org 0x00                     ; Reset-Address
 rjmp Reset

.org INT0addr                 ; External Interrupt Request 0

.org INT1addr                 ; External Interrupt Request 1

.org OC2addr                  ; Timer/Counter2 Compare Match
 rjmp ISR_OCIE2

.org OVF2addr                 ; Timer/Counter2 Overflow

.org ICP1addr                 ; Timer/Counter1 Capture Event 
 rjmp TIM1_CAPT

.org OC1Aaddr                 ; Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A

.org OC1Baddr                 ; Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B

.org OVF1addr                 ; Timer/Counter1 Overflow

.org OVF0addr                 ; Timer/Counter0 Overflow
 rjmp ISR_TOV0

.org SPIaddr                  ; SPI Serial Transfer Complete

.org URXCaddr                 ; UART, Rx Complete

.org UDREaddr                 ; UART Data Register Empty

.org UTXCaddr                 ; UART, Tx Complete

.org ADCCaddr                 ; ADC Conversion Complete

.org ERDYaddr                 ; EEPROM Ready

.org ACIaddr                  ; Analog Comparator

       ldi r16,(1<<CS02)|(1<<CS00)
       out TCCR0,r16          ; Timer clock = system clock / 1024
       ldi r16,1<<TOV0
       out TIFR,r16           ; Clear TOV0/ clear pending interrupts
       ldi r16,1<<TOIE0
       out TIMSK,r16          ; Enable Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt
       ser r16
       out DDRB,r16           ; Set Port B as output

       push r16
       in r16,SREG
       push r16
       in r16,PORTB           ; Read Port B
       com r16                ; Invert bits of r16 register
       out PORTB,r16          ; Write Port B
       pop r16
       out SREG,r16
       pop r16

       ldi r16,(1<<CS11)|(1<<CS10)
       out TCCR1B,r16         ; timer clock = system clock/64
       ldi r16,1<<ICF1
       out TIFR,r16           ; Clear ICF1/clear pending interrupts
       ldi r16,1<<TICIE1
       out TIMSK,r16          ; Timer/Counter1 Capture Event Interrupt
       ser r16                ; Set all bits in register
       out DDRB,r16           ; Set Port B as output
       cbi DDRD,PD6           ; Set PD6/ICP as input

       push r16
       in r16,SREG
       push r16
       in r16,ICR1L           ; Read ICR low byte and high byte/ save high byte in Temp
       in r16,ICR1H           ; Read ICR high byte
       com r16                ; Invert bits - 1 complement (see Note 1)
       out PORTB,r16          ; Write ICR1H to PORTB
       clr r16
       out TCNT1H,r16         ; Write Temp register
       out TCNT1L,r16         ; Clear the 16 bit register
       pop r16
       out SREG,r16
       pop r16

       ldi r16,1<<AS2
       out ASSR,r16           ; Enable asynchronous mode
                              ; Clear timer on compare match / Timer Clock = system clock / 1024
       ldi r16,(1<<CTC2)|(1<<CS22)|(1<<CS21)|(1<<CS20)
       out TCCR2,r16          ; Timer clock = system clock/1024
       ldi r16,1<<OCF2
       out TIFR,r16           ; Clear OCF2/clear pending interrupts
       ldi r16,1<<OCIE2
       out TIMSK,r16          ; Enable timer output compare interrupt
       ldi r16,32
       out OCR2,r16           ; Set output compare value to 32
       ser r16
       out DDRB,r16           ; Set Port D as output

       in r16, ASSR
       andi r16, ~(1<<OCR2UB)
       brne loop

       push r16
       in r16,SREG
       push r16
       in r16,PORTB           ; Read Port B
       com r16                ; Invert bits of r16 register
       out PORTB,r16          ; Write Port B
       pop r16
       out SREG,r16
       pop r16

                              ; 8 bit PWM non-inverted (Fck/510)
       ldi r16,(1<<PWM2)|(1<<COM21)|(1<<CS20)
       out TCCR2,r16          ; 8 bit PWM non-inverted (Fck/510)
       ldi r16,0xE0
       out OCR2,r16           ; Set compare value/duty cycle ratio
       ldi r16,0x8F
       out DDRD,r16           ; Set PD7/OC2 and low nibble Port D as output

                              ; *** Begin of Program Execution ***
                              ; Initialization of the Stack Pointer
       ldi r16,low(RAMEND)
       out SPL,r16
       ldi r16,high(RAMEND)
       out SPH,r16

                              ; Enable the next line for Example 1 disable for other Examples
                              ;rcall init_Ex1
                              ; Enable the next line for Example 2 disable for other Examples
                              ;rcall init_Ex2
                              ; Enable the next line for Example 3 disable for other Examples
                              ;rcall init_Ex3
                              ; Enable the next line for Example 4 disable for other Examples
       rcall init_Ex4
                              ; (CL_2.2) 
       sei                    ; Global Interrupts enabled

                              ; Endlessloop
       rjmp loopforever
настройка частотника

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