AVR Assembler Source Blog

Ремонт частотных преобразователей AVR Assembler Source Blog: EEPROM_use

Friday, October 4, 2013


                              ;Demonstates the use of the EEPROMs
                              ;During the programming a counter location, defined in the EEPROM,
                              ;is set to zero. At every restart of the processor this counter is incremented
                              ;and its content is displayed in hex format on the LEDs.
                              ;Please refer to the hints given on the end of this code to avoid confusion!
.INCLUDE "8515def.inc"
                              ;Define constants
.equ cnt=$0000                ;Adress of the counter location in the EEPROM
                              ;Define registers
.def mpr=R16                  ;Universal register
.def neu=R17                  ;Counter value interim storage

rjmp main                     ;Jump to main program


       ldi mpr,$FF            ;all bits of Port B are Output
                              ;Program reads a byte from the EEPROM location
       ldi mpr,LOW(cnt)       ;Set the EEPROM location to read from
       out EEARL,mpr          ;tell this to EEPROM-Port
       ldi mpr,HIGH(cnt)      ;Low/High-Byte will be read separately
       out EEARH,mpr          ;as there are 512 byte locations available
       sbi EECR,EERE          ;Set the Read-Enable-Bit EERE in the
                              ;EEPROM-Control-Register EECR
       in neu,EEDR            ;Read the byte from the EEPROM-location
                              ;Increment the counter and write back to the same EEPROM location
       inc neu

                              ;If EEPROM is not ready, wait first
       sbic EECR,1            ;Read bit 1 in the EEPROM-Control-Register
       rjmp wart              ;and repeat until EEPROM reports ready
                              ;The EEPROM-adress location isn't changed, so we don't need to set that first
                              ;by transfer of the EEPROM-write adress to EEARL/EEARH
       out EEDR,neu           ;New counter value to the EEPROM-data register
                              ;The two write commands must not be interrupted, because they must be executed
                              ;within four commands to ensure prevention of any unwanted write commands to
                              ;the EEPROM. So we have to disable any interrupts before entering the write
       cli                    ;disables all interrupts
                              ;Now we can start the two write commands:
       sbi EECR,EEMWE         ;Switches on the EEPROM Master Write Enable
       sbi EECR,EEWE          ;Starts the write command to the EEPROM
                              ;During the following ca. 1,5 milliseconds the byte is written to the EEPROM.
                              ;This affects us only if we want to use the EEPROM for further operations.
                              ;Not here: we write the inverted content of the counter to the Port B, the
                              ;LED-port, and end the program with a indefinite loop.
       com neu                ;invert the counter (XOR FFh)
       out PORTB,neu          ;to Port B


       rjmp loop              ;wait undefinitely
                              ;Here we start defining the initial value of the counter location in the EEPROM
                              ;during programming.
                              ;First we tell the assembler, that the following informations go to the EEPROM.
                              ;Now we define the EEPROM-content:
.DB $00                       ;One byte with a zero
                              ;That's about it.
                              ;IMPORTANT HINTS
                              ;During programming the content of the EEPROM-file TESTEEP.EEP
                              ;will be loaded separately and programmed after the code is loaded.
                              ;Don't forget this!
                              ;During the programming sequence of the different locations for code
                              ;and EEPROM content the software for the board releases the Reset pin
                              ;of the processor, e.g. between programming and verification. As this
                              ;short pause already causes the processor to restart and execute the
                              ;code. Verification of the EEPROM content will therefore fail, because
                              ;the counter is already incremented and does not match its original
                              ;programmed value. Every read operation of the EEPROM content
                              ;onboard will have the same effect.
                              ;The execution of the restart command using the ISP software also
                              ;causes multiple startups of the processor and increases the counter
                              ;value, so don't expect to see correct counting values.
                              ;Exact up-counts are only seen when switching the supply voltage
                              ;of the board off and on.
                              ;To avoid unwanted upcounting during program, verification and read
                              ;operation would require setting a startup delay time, but this is a
                              ;little bit too complex for a beginner.

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